Have you enrolled in the "Celina Rydén Certified Nail Artist Program - Part 2" and need some extra feedback of your work along the way? Then you have come to the right place!
This feature is only available if you have enrolled in the "Celina Rydén Certified Nail Artist Program" - PART 2. The feedback will be focused on the current module that you are working on, or if you need extra feedback on your certification set.
At this point personal feedback is only available to those who have enrolled in "PART 2" of the program.
The length of the video varies from person to person, but I promise you that you'll get my full attention and that I will give you as much feedback as I can to help you evolve and move on to the next step. It is my goal as well as yours that you'll succeed and eventually get your certification.
Not more than 7 working days.
You'll receive a link where you can download your video, so you'll get lifelong access to it.
You'll receive a Dropbox link to you email where you can download your video.
No, we currently don't offer any payment plans.